Family Doctor Tips for Flu Treatment

Family Doctor Tips for Flu Treatment from People First Urgent & Primary Care Germantown in Germantown, TNIf you believe you or a loved one has the flu, it is advisable to see a doctor. Continue reading to learn some family doctor tips for flu recovery. The flu, also known as influenza, is a viral infection that affects the respiratory system. The symptoms typically appear abruptly and include joint discomfort, fever, cough, stuffy nose, and exhaustion. They might be moderate in some individuals, but they can also be severe enough to warrant hospitalization in others.

Tips for flu treatment from a family doctor

When suffering from the flu, patients will often find that drinking a few cups of tea and having a heating pad for pains make the recovery process easier. The following are some helpful tips for treatment from a family doctor:

Drink plenty of fluids

When down with the flu, it is critical to replenish the body's hydration levels. Cups of tea, as previously indicated, are an excellent option. The fluids do not have to be water alone; juice may also be included. Soup or broth is also good when recovering from the flu.

Stay indoors

When unwell, staying at home and resting is conventional protocol, but it is also critical to keeping others safe and healthy. Therefore, curl up with a nice book or watch movies; the point is to remember to remain indoors while you recover in order to avoid spreading infection.

Rest well

When battling the flu, the body must get the rest it needs to reset and recover itself. Sleep and rest as much as possible. Note, however, that the pressure on the sinuses may be stronger when laying down than when sitting up. Patients can use an additional pillow to prop their heads up at night and improve rest, resulting in a faster recovery.

Keep the room humid

Use a humidifier or get under the shower. Increasing the amount of moisture in the air will help break up any mucus in the lungs and ease breathing.

Get over-the-counter medication

Over-the-counter cold medication may help with flu symptoms like aches and pains, congestion, cough, and fever. These may be quite helpful for recovery but always consult your family doctor before using any medication.

Drop the heat

The body’s temperature increases to combat infections that cause a fever. To deal with the fever, patients feel at ease and get over the infection faster by staying cold, as long as there is no shivering. Remove any excess clothing layers that may be causing sweating, apply a cold towel over the forehead, or bathe in a lukewarm bath to be comfortable. Another option to ease the fever is to take the proper dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Inquire about antiviral medication

When dealing with the flu, antivirals should only be used under the advice and supervision of a primary care physician, and the need for them varies case by case.

Check out what others are saying about our primary care services on Yelp: Primary Care in Germantown, TN

Schedule an Appointment Today

Seek medical help from your family doctor if you have trouble breathing, have persistent chest discomfort, or if your flu symptoms fail to improve.

Request an appointment or call People First Urgent & Primary Care Germantown at 901-257-3077 for an appointment in our Germantown office.

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