Neti Pot and the Common Cold

Neti Pot and the Common Cold from People First Urgent & Primary Care Germantown in Germantown, TNYour latest fight with the common cold may have been the last straw. Perhaps you are ready for a new solution to getting rid of the annoying symptoms of this sickness. Sure, you can try over-the-counter drugs and drink plenty of fluids. But there are other ways to deal with the many effects of a cold. Learning more about how this device works and how it can help is a good first step.

The various symptoms and effects of the common cold

It is no wonder why it is called the common cold: this illness is perhaps the most common of all sicknesses that people get. It can hit the young and old as well as people of all demographics and groups. Viruses cause colds, and without treatment, a cold can turn into other, more serious illnesses. A cold can last for as little as a few days but may linger for a few weeks or longer.

A person with a cold will likely struggle with a stuffy or runny nose. Coughing and sneezing are common, as is a sore throat. A fever can come with a cold, though it is usually minor. Headaches, body aches, and chills are other possible symptoms. Rest, over-the-counter medications, and drinking fluids will help alleviate the symptoms.

How a neti pot works

Beyond rest and fluids, there are other ways to combat the effects of the common cold. Antihistamines are available in drug stores and grocery stores. These can loosen stuffy noses and clear up mucus in the nose. Some people seek home-based solutions too. A neti pot can be a good option.

This device is a container that a person uses to rinse debris and mucus from the nasal cavity. Doing so makes it less difficult to breathe and can eliminate congestion. The pot may come with a solution to mix in the pot. Or, the person can make their own saline solution to mix with boiled water.

How to use it

To use a neti pot to treat a common cold effectively, the person should follow some important steps. The person should use the pot in a sink, such as in the bathroom or kitchen. After adding the solution to the pot, the person should look straight down at the sink basin, tilting the head at a 45-degree angle. Next, press the neti pot spout into the nostril closest to the ceiling. There must be a good seal between the nostril and pot. Then, tip the pot so that the solution reaches the nostril and runs through the other nostril.

Other tips

The person should make sure to use all the solution. After doing so, the person should breathe through the nose to clear it out. A tissue can remove any remaining mucus or saline solution from the nose. Make sure to follow the product’s directions to ensure safety.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Common Cold and Flu Treatment in Germantown, TN

Give this alternative method a try

Having a cold can fill your nose with excess mucus. This can be a miserable experience. When traditional techniques are ineffective against the common cold, try a neti pot. You may find success in removing mucus and breathing well again. If your cold persists, visit an urgent care center for help.

Request an appointment or call People First Urgent & Primary Care Germantown at 901-257-3077 for an appointment in our Germantown office.

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