When To Visit an Urgent Care For Auto Accident Treatment

Auto Accident Treatment Germantown, TN

Wondering about your auto accident treatment options? Read on to learn more. You should get medical attention immediately if you have been in an auto accident. Even if you feel OK and have no obvious injuries, you should still see a doctor for auto accident treatment. Urgent care centers provide quick, professional evaluation and treatment for various medical issues. Visiting a center soon after an accident is something you should not put off.

The role of urgent care in auto accident treatment

Recently, urgent care facilities have become more popular as a quick and easy solution for those needing medical assistance for non-life-threatening emergencies, including auto accidents. Urgent care facilities are equipped to treat common injuries sustained in car accidents, including cuts, bruises, sprains, strains, and even mild fractures.

When dealing with the trauma of a car crash, some individuals put off seeking medical attention for their injuries. Some victims even choose to ignore their symptoms or see no need to go to the doctor. Some injury symptoms, however, may worsen with time, while others may not manifest until many days or weeks after the initial injury.

A thorough evaluation from an urgent care physician is a good idea even if the injuries do not seem to be life-threatening. Avoiding medical attention for too long after an auto accident is a typical mistake. Due to concerns about expense and lengthy wait periods, most patients of urgent care centers only visit their facilities after the first 72-hour window has passed. It is better to seek treatment right away rather than wait until the situation worsens.

When to choose urgent care

Victims of a car crash can visit one of three places for medical attention. The options are to seek attention from a medical professional at a regular clinic, an urgent care center, or an emergency room. In cases of severe injuries, an ambulance will transport the patient directly to the ER.

The ER is advisable if the safety of a person's life or body is in jeopardy. For cuts and scrapes that are not too severe, a visit to the doctor is a good idea. If an emergency happens on the weekend, after regular business hours, or on a holiday, when the doctor's office is closed, the patient may go to an urgent care center instead.

Life-threatening injuries require an ER visit in most cases. If a patient's condition does not immediately threaten their life or limb, emergency departments will not prioritize seeing them. For minor injuries, visiting an urgent care center is more suitable.

Diagnosing the injury

Many other types of non-life-threatening injuries, such as sprains, fractures, wounds, concussions, and internal bleeding, may result from auto accidents. These cases require a thorough examination by the urgent care physician. In certain cases, a diagnosis may be made based only on the doctor's physical examination. An X-ray or CT scan may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis in other circumstances.


At an urgent care facility, treatment for auto accident injuries may begin on the same day. The doctor could recommend pain and inflammation relievers. When bones are broken, a cast may help keep them stable while they mend. In other cases, the physician may recommend that the patient rests and avoid any strenuous activity. Patients may need to schedule a follow-up session and other appointments as needed throughout the course of treatment.

Rather than cope with the trauma of a car crash, victims should visit an urgent care center nearby to get the necessary assistance. The most important point is to be in good health, no matter how severe the injuries are. Care from a medical professional will get patients back to living normally without any of the pain and discomfort. Fortunately, patients can stop by soon after the accident without needing an appointment.

Have you recently been in an auto accident?

To ensure you have not sustained any injuries that have not caused any symptoms due to the release of adrenaline, it is usually a good idea to see a doctor following an auto accident. Check with a doctor just to be sure, even if the accident seems minor.

The time following a car crash might be difficult. Nevertheless, you can make better medical judgments by learning about the function of urgent care centers in auto accident treatment. Urgent care centers can play a critical role in putting patients who have sustained injuries in vehicle accidents on the road to recovery.

Get more information here: https://peoplefirsturgentcaretn.com or call People First Urgent & Primary Care Germantown at (901) 257-3077

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Auto Accident Treatment in Germantown, TN.

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